Greetings from us all at Thorpe Surgery.
Maintenance Update
As many of you may have already seen, maintenance at both Thorpe and Kirby surgery is taking place. Kirby has had the garden area cut back and this is receiving good feedback, as the surgery is now more visible from the road. Thorpe is having extensive work being done to the garden area. We will also be installing a pergola to the main front door of the surgery which will include seating. New flooring is being laid throughout the ground floor at Thorpe. To keep disruption to a minimum the work will be taking place over two weekends, 21/8/21 and 28/8/21. We will also be getting new signage for the outside and inside of Thorpe Surgery.
Staff Update
Our Assistant Practice Manager, Paul, is now a qualified dispenser. This will allow our dispensing team to have additional support when needed. One of our administration staff has now been promoted to the role of Secretary. This means we now have two full time secretaries. Our previous Practice Manager, Karen Austen, is continuing to work as part of the team at Thorpe Surgery but in her new role as Patient Liaison and Resolution Manager.
Half Day Shutdown – Staff Training
Our next half day shutdown is Thursday the 30th of September. All surgeries in the Tendring and Colchester area are shut once a month from 12:00 for staff training. Please ensure you have collected your medication before the surgery is closed for the afternoon. We re-open at 08:00 the following morning.
Face Masks
Although the rules have now been relaxed with regards to face masks, the surgery is still following NHS England guidelines and face masks must still be worn when you are in the surgery. We would like to thank you for your co-operation.
In the meantime, I wish you all well.
Best wishes,
Jayne, Practice Manager