Heart Disease and Heart Failure

If you suffer from coronary heart disease (angina or you have had a heart attack in the past) or have heart failure, that it is important that we see you regularly for reviews.


Once your condition is stable you will be seen by the nurses every 6 months. It is important to have reviews on a regular basis to ensure you are receiving the correct treatment so that your symptoms are kept under good control. At each visit you will be told the interval until your next appointment. If you are overdue an appointment you will receive a letter reminding you to make an appointment.

At the appointment we will:

  • Measure your height and weight
  • Check your blood pressure
  • Review your lifestyle
  • Discuss any problems that you have
  • Review your medication
  • Once a year we will take blood and urine samples

Useful Websites

Further information on hypertension is available on the following websites: